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Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help you? Vladimir Melnik: Good afternoon.I'm here to open a checking account. My name is Vladimir Melnik. My wife's name is Natalya. Clerk: Do you want a joint account with your spouse? V.M.: Yes,I do. Tell me about your checking account policy. Is there a minimum balance required? Clerk: If you open a checking acco- unt you are supposed to maintain an average daily balance of $1000 . As long as you keep this average ba- lance you won't be charged for bank- ing services. Should you fall below the 1-thousand-dollar limit,you would have to pay a service charge of $6 a month, and each of your transacti- ons would be charged separately. V.M.: What is meant by transaction charge? Clerk: You'll have to pay 25 cents for each check made out by your spose or you, and also 25 cents for each cash withdrawal. But you can easily avoid paying these charges by mainta- ining one thousand dollars or more on your checking account. V.M.: I'd like to know how much in- terest you pay. Clerk: Interest is paid if your ave- rage daily balance is over 2500 dol- lars.Unless you fall below 2500 dol- lars, you'll be paid 6 1/2% inte- rest. We credit the interest you've earned automatically to your account. V.M.: I would like to open a cheking account with a deposit of 1500 dol- lars. Is it okay? Clerk: It is perfectly all right. You can order your check books af- ter having filled out an applica- tion and your deposit ticket. V.M.(fills out application and de- posit ticket): Is anything wrong? Clerk: Everything is correct. Now you can order your check books. V.M.: I have a question.What are the preconditions for getting a credit card? Clerk: You must have an income of 15,000 dollars or more. V.M.: What proof of income will you accept? Clerk: Either your last pay stub or a copy of your tax return. As soon as we have the necessary in- formation, credit cards will be available to you and your wife. V.M.: I appreciate your assis- tance. | ||
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